Puppy Kindergarten September Class Monday

Time: to

Puppy Kindergarten is a comprehensive and engaging class designed specifically for puppies as young as 10 weeks old! This foundational course is all about setting the stage for your pup’s future success, teaching essential skills that will benefit them throughout their life.

In our Puppy Kindergarten class, your furry friend will learn the basics of walking on a leash, interacting with new people and other dogs, and developing good manners. We’ll also focus on building confidence and socialization skills, which are critical for puppies to thrive in all aspects of life.

As puppies are naturally curious and love to explore, our classes are designed to provide a safe and stimulating environment that encourages learning and play. Our experienced trainers will be with you every step of the way, providing expert guidance, support, and encouragement as you embark on this exciting journey with your new puppy!

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all puppies, we require that pups be at least 10 weeks old and have received their second round of vaccinations before joining our class. Our classes are limited in size to ensure each pup receives the individual attention they need to thrive.